In this post let’s see how to Change Column Name from Alphabets to Numbers in Excel.
Need to Change Column Name from Alphabets to Numbers
We know that in excel rows are numbered and columns are named alphabetically. (Know More about excel terminology). However, when using few formulae (like vlookup) where we need to refer a column by the number based on the data set/ the range which we select instead of alphabets. At times, it is difficult to remember the column number especially when working with multiple sheets or multiple workbooks having large sets/ range of data. We might end up writing the formula multiple times to get the correct result.
In these situations, we do feel that if we can see the column number instead of Alphabets it will be much easier to write the formula.

With a simple trick, let’s see how to change Column Name from Alphabets to Numbers. This method works for Excel versions after 2010.
Steps to follow
- Open your excel work book.
- Click on File (top left corner). You can also use shortcut ALT+F to activate file.
- In the file window click on Options.
- In the Excel Options window choose Formulas (2nd in the list).
- Once you click on Formulas In “working with formulas” block you can see the 1st option as R1C1 reference style. By default this is unchecked.
- Click on the box next to it.
- Click on OK.
You can now see numbers reflecting in column names instead of alphabets.
See the below image to understand how to turn on/ activate R1C1 style.

You can see numbers instead of alphabets only in the current workbook and once you save it you can always see numbers until you uncheck the R1C1 option. All other workbooks will be with the default feature only i.e. Alphabets for columns.
Do you know about R1C1 and already using R1C1 style?
Share the scenarios/ cases/ situations where you use R1C1 style in the comment box below.
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