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Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Must Know – Improve Your Productivity And Efficiency

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac - excelbits.com

Let it be a beginner or an excel expert Excel Keyboard Shortcuts is one of the most interesting/ favorite part of any (every) user. Why?

Why to learn Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

The answer is pretty simple. For Multiple reasons.

  • Makes work easier enabling you to work more fast and accurate in the excel environment there by improving your productivity/ efficiency.
  • Easy to work with loads of data.
  • Eliminate repetitive work.
  • You can work with/use/access any feature of excel from key board (in recent versions of Excel).
  • Last but not Least you can always learn a new shortcut regardless of your excel knowledge (as excel has hundreds of shortcuts).

How to learn Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

As mentioned, Excel has hundreds of shortcuts. It is unlikely that one can memorize all the shortcuts in Excel. Also, most of us do not need to learn all the shortcuts as we may not be using all the features that excel offer.

Do not rush to fill/ overload your plate trying to learn too may shortcuts at once. Start slowly. Learn a Shortcut a day. Once you master it go for another one. As you become comfortable start increasing your count. Over a period of time you can notice that you can deal with shortcuts easily.

Remember, “Knowing is not enough. We must do”. Keep on practicing the shortcuts else there are chances that you’ll forget them.

What Shortcuts do I need to learn

Among the hundreds of shortcuts what Excel offers which ones should I learn?

I suggest to create a list of your own shortcuts using the approach below to learn/ master excel shortcuts.

  • Identify the tasks which you do in excel most frequently or which you use day in and day out.
  • Find and Learn the shortcut which accomplishes the task.

At times you may find multiple shortcuts for the same task/ feature. Choose the one which you are comfortable with and easy to remember.

Types of Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

Excel shortcuts can be broadly classified into two types.

  • Dedicated: These are shortcuts which are organized with the function keys along with the usage of Shift, ALT and Control keys.
  • Ribbon: These can be accessed directly from the ribbon using accelerated keys.

Learn the dedicated shortcuts first and then go for the ribbon shortcuts.

In this post let’s see the basic shortcuts related to File, Navigation and General Options.

File Shortcuts

Create New WorkbookCTRL + N⌘ + N
Open an Existing WorkbookCTRL + O⌘ + O
Save Existing WorkbookCTRL + S⌘ + S
Save As (New WB / Save the existing WB with a different Name)F12⌘ + ⇧ + S
Print / Print PreviewCTRL + P⌘ + P
Close Active WorkbookCTRL + F4⌘ + W
Close Excel WindowAlt + F4⌘ + Q
Insert a New WorksheetShift + F11FN+Shift+F11

Navigating in Excel

Move one Cell RightRight ArrowRight Arrow
Move one Cell LeftLeft ArrowLeft Arrow
Move one Cell UpUp ArrowUp Arrow
Move one Cell DownDown ArrowDown Arrow
Move to Last cell with Data in a RowCTRL +⌃ +
Move to First cell with Data in a RowCTRL +⌃ +
Move to Last cell with Data in a ColumnCTRL +⌃ +
Move to First cell with Data in a ColumnCTRL +CTRL +
Move to First cell of the row (Active/ Selected cell)HomeFN +
Move to First cell of the SheetCTRL + HomeFN + ⌃ +
Move to Last cell of the SheetCTRL + EndFN + ⌃ +
Move One Screen UPPGUPFN +
Move One Screen DownPGDNFN +
Move One Screen RightALT + PGDNFN + ⌥ +
Move One Screen LeftALT + PGUPFN + ⌥ +
Move to Next WorksheetCTRL + PGDNFN + ⌃ +
Move to Previous WorksheetCTRL + PGUPFN + ⌃ +
Move to Next WorkbookCTRL+ Tab⌃ +  Tab
Move to Previous WorkbookCTRL + Shift + Tab⌃ + Shift + Tab
Minimize Current Workbook WindowCTRL + F9⌘ + M
Maximize Current Workbook WindowCTRL + F10FN + ⌃ + F10

General Shortcuts

Access HelpF1⌘ + /
Undo Last ActionCTRL + Z⌘ + Z
Redo Last ActionCTRL + Y⌘ + Y
Repeat Last ActionF4⌘ + Y
Cut Data in a Cell / Selected CellsCTRL + X⌘ + X
Copy Data in a Cell / Selected CellsCTRL + C⌘ + C
Paste DataCTRL + V⌘ + V
FindCTRL + F⌘ + V
Find and ReplaceCTRL + H⌃ + H
Find Next Match (Select the cell for which match needs to be found)Shift + F4⌘ + G
Find Previous Match (Select the cell for which match needs to be found)CTRL + Shift + F4⌘ + ⇧ + G
Enable FilterCTRL + SHIFT + L (or) ALT + D + F + F⌘ + ⇧ + F
Insert TableCTRL + T⌃ + T
Display Paste Special Dialog Box (After Copying the data)ALT + E +S (or) CTRL + ALT + V⌘ + ⌃ + V
Select entire rowShift + Spacebar⇧ +  Spacebar
Select entire ColumnCTRL + Spacebar⌃ + Spacebar

What are your favorite Excel Keyboard Shortcuts?

Share what shortcuts you use on a daily basis and also which shortcuts do you feel are necessary for any Excel user in the comment box below.

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2 thoughts on “Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Must Know – Improve Your Productivity And Efficiency”

  1. Pingback: Quick way to Select Multiple Cells or Ranges at once in Excel- Excel Bits

  2. Pingback: Must know Excel Double Click Tricks – Work Faster with Excel - Excel Bits

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