When working on excel, there will be instances where you need to select multiple cells or ranges at once. We do that by selecting the area with a mouse or using the combination of Shift and Control key shortcuts. However, the challenge here comes when you need to select multiple cells or ranges at once that are non adjacent.
Suggested Reading
- Know more Excel Shortcuts for windows and Mac
- What is a Range and Creating and Defining ranges in Excel
In this article let us see how to select multiple cells or ranges at once that are non adjacent or non continuous.
There are 2 different ways to select multiple cells or ranges at once that are non adjacent or non continuous. One way is using the Control Key. What is the other one. Keep Reading
Using the Control Key to Select Multiple Cells or Ranges at once
This is a well known method and the process is pretty simple. Just hold the control key and click on the cells or range that you want to select.
The challenge here is you have to hold the control key and then use the mouse to select or unselect the cells or ranges. At times it is challenging to select and unselect the cells if they are more in number.
Do we have a quick way to do this with more ease. The answer is yes.
Let us see the other way which is much quicker, easier and faster than using the control key.
Using the Shift and Function key Combination
The other way to do the same action is using the combination of Shift and Function8 (F8) key. Let us see how to do it.
Step 1 : Hold Shift Key and then press F8 key. Shift and F8 key toggles the Add or Remove Selection mode on. This mode helps or enables to select or unselect multiple ranges at once.
Step 2 : Once this mode is on, you can see Add or Remove Selection message on the status bar. See the below image.

Step 3 : On seeing this message click on the cells or ranges that you want to select or unselect.
Let us see an example on how to use the selection of multiple cells at once. See the below image. I want to color or highlight few cells or ranges which are non adjacent or non continuous.

Hope you liked this quick tip. What other ways do you use for selection of multiple cells at once. Share in the comments box below
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